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Recent news

November 2020 - Lucas Dupuis started his PhD with us on a IM2B                                     doctoral contract between our lab and the BIP                                       laboratory (Marianne Ilbert). He will work on the                                     role of copper tolerance systems in P. aeruginosa                                   defense against phagocytosis
Lucas bench.jpg
June 2014 - The Pseudomonas group has a new PhD student
Well done to Maxime for his PhD fellowship
Benjamin presented his work on the T6SS in P. aeruginosa
November 2019 - We have an open position (1 year fixed term contract) for a research                                           assistant starting Jan-Feb 2020 as part of an A*midex grant. If you are                                       interested contact Sophie Bleves:
September 2019 - Ben has defended his PhD
                                on the Type VI secretion system
July 2019 - Our lab has moved! we are now on the 1st floor of the LISM
December 2018 - Maxime has defended his PhD on the Tat system
June 2018 - We are welcoming Fran Smith from Paul William
and Kim Hardy's labs (Nottingham) !
February 2018 - The Pseudomonas group is present at the 19th "colloque francais des jeunes chercheurs" organized by "Vaincre la mucoviscidose" in Paris
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November 2016 - The Pseudomonas group is present at the "Protein Secretion in Bacteria" conference in Tampa
June 2016 - The Pseudomonas group has a new PhD student
Well done to Benjamin for his PhD fellowship
May 2016 - JSM3 meeting in Marseille
Well done to the JSM3 organizing comitee for such a great meeting
November 2015 - LISM scientific retreat in Carry




September 2015 - "Course des héros" for the VLM
September 2015 - Baby boom in the lab
Welcome Charlie, Nathan and Felix!




September 2015 - ASM Pseudomonas meeting - Washington
Badreddine, Seb and Maxime present their poster



July 2015 - Bye bye Kathrina!!... see you next year!



July 2015 - Lab day out at Frioul



January 2015 - The LISM is saying goodbye to Sarah
You can now visit Sarah in Lyon in Christian Lesterlin team!



October 2014 -Aurélie PhD defense



July 2014 -Fred PhD defense



June 2013 - PhD defense of Thibault



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